Oh, Hello. Welcome to 2011. I hope all of your Januaries are starting off with an appropriate level of awkwardness. Maybe you threw up on a stranger's shoes at a bar, or your vibrator set off the metal detector in the security line at the airport, or you told a girl that you like her and she said "I like being friends, too." But that's enough about MY January. What really matters is when Awkward Silence will be performing again.
Let happiness abound because we already have two shows dates in February! Thursday, February 3rd we will be COMPETING against another improv team at a venue in SOMA (9th St. at Minna). Both teams will do a short set and the audience votes on the winner. That means you have to come to the show because we need your votes.
More info to come, but be sure to keep Feb. 3rd clear.
Our next on-campus show is Friday Feb. 11 at 9pm (subject to time change). We are hoping for studio theater again, but if performing arts poops on us then we will have to schedule a different room! Look for Facebook invites!
- Laura